We All Have To Travel The Road

Which Way Are You Going?
Ever wondered if the path you are taking from day to day will actually lead to something worthwhile? Ever question if they way you handle your life and relationships really is the best way? I do.
This road we all travel is full of moment to moment decisions, and we all hope that each decision will make for a very good life, filled with love and joy, blessings and good memories, especially in the eyes of our Maker.
Jesus talked about the roads (of decision) we all must take when he was speaking to his disciples about gates. Matthew 7:13-14a. Jesus said, " Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way to destruction, and there are many who go in by it, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life....." Does that mean we can never find our way? No, not at all. One of the things this does mean, is that each of these decision we are making along the road of life will culminate into our life's video, our magnum opus (life's great work). We will all see that epic film of our life one day when we stand before God at Christ's return.
Your greatest achievement will be your epic film. Your greatest failure could possibly be your epic film, which for all of us will be played back when Christ returns. So my question to you dear sister and brother is- which way will you take? The easy least resistant road of following your own prerogative or the road of practicing and following Christ's virtues and living instructions? This is something we should really give much serious thought.
If you are unsure about your tomorrow and have lost hope, you can regain it today. Our only true and real hope is in Christ Jesus. So if you are hurting today and want to know real peace, and you want to cancel the fear and eternal uncertainty in your life, take this journey to God through Christ Jesus. It won't be a cakewalk, but it will be truth and joy in Christ Jesus. He is waiting to bless you with real peace. He will be your hope. He is the only way of truth and the only true deliverance that we can gain! We must gain freedom from sin and victory in life through Christ and Christ alone!
You don't have to live in fear and worry. God's not looking for ways to hurt or punish you, but ways to bless and complete you if you are willing to accept and trust Him. God wants you at peace. Then, the next time the question of which way to go comes up in your life, you'll be able to answer- The way that leads to life in Christ Jesus.
Once you have taken this precious step, feel free to reach out to me so that I can rejoice with you in your new life. You are just that precious to God! I look forward to hearing from you. I really look forward to enjoying eternity with you!
Because Christ Lives,
Ulanda Davis
This road we all travel is full of moment to moment decisions, and we all hope that each decision will make for a very good life, filled with love and joy, blessings and good memories, especially in the eyes of our Maker.
Jesus talked about the roads (of decision) we all must take when he was speaking to his disciples about gates. Matthew 7:13-14a. Jesus said, " Enter by the narrow gate for wide is the gate and broad is the way to destruction, and there are many who go in by it, because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life....." Does that mean we can never find our way? No, not at all. One of the things this does mean, is that each of these decision we are making along the road of life will culminate into our life's video, our magnum opus (life's great work). We will all see that epic film of our life one day when we stand before God at Christ's return.
Your greatest achievement will be your epic film. Your greatest failure could possibly be your epic film, which for all of us will be played back when Christ returns. So my question to you dear sister and brother is- which way will you take? The easy least resistant road of following your own prerogative or the road of practicing and following Christ's virtues and living instructions? This is something we should really give much serious thought.
If you are unsure about your tomorrow and have lost hope, you can regain it today. Our only true and real hope is in Christ Jesus. So if you are hurting today and want to know real peace, and you want to cancel the fear and eternal uncertainty in your life, take this journey to God through Christ Jesus. It won't be a cakewalk, but it will be truth and joy in Christ Jesus. He is waiting to bless you with real peace. He will be your hope. He is the only way of truth and the only true deliverance that we can gain! We must gain freedom from sin and victory in life through Christ and Christ alone!
You don't have to live in fear and worry. God's not looking for ways to hurt or punish you, but ways to bless and complete you if you are willing to accept and trust Him. God wants you at peace. Then, the next time the question of which way to go comes up in your life, you'll be able to answer- The way that leads to life in Christ Jesus.
Once you have taken this precious step, feel free to reach out to me so that I can rejoice with you in your new life. You are just that precious to God! I look forward to hearing from you. I really look forward to enjoying eternity with you!
Because Christ Lives,
Ulanda Davis